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Year 6 to 7 Transition
The transition from primary to secondary school is an important milestone in the lives of children and their families. At The Bulmershe School we pride ourselves on providing our new students, parents and carers with a smooth and extensive Transition programme; students arrive on their first day in September excited about the next chapter of their education, rather than feeling apprehensive.
We want all students who choose The Bulmershe School to develop new friendships, increase their confidence and get used to their new routines and school organisation with ease. We aim to enrich students’ learning experience by providing them with opportunities and challenges, along with the practical skills and knowledge to be confident, well qualified individuals, ready for employment, training, or the next steps in their education.
Educational Opportunities for Primary Schools
To help prepare students in primary school for this transition, we have developed strong links with all our feeder primaries offering a range of educational and enriched opportunities. These free-of-charge bespoke events are specifically designed to engage primary students’ imagination and provide the opportunity for them to visit The Bulmershe School to experience secondary school teaching while meeting and collaborating with current students. You can read all about the activities and events we run on our Enrichment Programme pages.
Our Transition Team has been supporting Year 6 students for many years, continually refining and evolving our programme to ensure a smooth and supportive transition to secondary school. Their wealth of experience means they are well-equipped to help every student feel confident and prepared for this next step.
The Bulmershe Community Bulletin
Each term we publish a newsletter especially for parents of Primary school children, so they can keep up to date with student achievements and community events . This is a great way to see how we support primary children as they prepare for the exciting step to secondary school.
Click to read the latest Bulmershe Community Bulletin
Those First Steps of your Transition Journey
Open Evening
Our open evening will give you a sense of the values-driven education that our students experience alongside an insight into the ethos of The Bulmershe School and what makes us unique. You will have an opportunity to enjoy interactive subject displays, meet our students and speak to our dedicated staff.
“This is a great school where pupil individuality is acknowledged and respected then nurtured and nourished to give them the opportunity to be the best they can be” Ofsted
Open Morning
We offer many open morning opportunities throughout October to enable you to come and visit the school in a normal working day. You will be shown around the school by our students who will advise you on their transition experiences and the guidance they were given throughout their transition journey. Mrs Woodfin and members of the senior leadership team will be present to support you and answer any further questions you may have. We recommend and advise that you bring your son / daughter so they can also feel part of the transition process to secondary school.
We look forward to welcoming you to The Bulmershe School.
Once you have chosen The Bulmershe School and have been successful in being allocated a place then the bespoke transition program begins: -
A ‘Welcome Letter’ and ‘Welcome Booklet’ will be distributed, welcoming parents and carers and students to The Bulmershe school and confirming all those important details of the transition process.
Liaising with the Primary Schools
In May, the Transition and Learning Support Team visit your child’s primary school. We work very closely with your child's Year 6 teacher to ensure that we have all the required information to enable us to fully support your child’s academic progress. During these visits, we give your child the opportunity to hear more about life at The Bulmershe School and to answer any questions in order to dispel any concerns they may have.
Year 6 Transition Day
In June, your child will be invited to a Transition day. They will have the opportunity to make new friends, attend new and exciting lessons and meet members of staff and students. We have found that children feel much more confident and reassured about their move to secondary education after their 'Transition Day' has taken place and they are eager to return!
We offer further Transition days for SEND/ vulnerable students where they meet and work very closely with the SEND team.
Rising Year 7 Evening
Parents and carers and students will be invited to a ‘Rising Year 7 Evening’ where you will view a presentation about the Transition process and hear how your child will be taught at The Bulmershe School. It is also an opportunity to meet key members of staff including the Head of Year 7 who will be there to support your child through this important milestone. During this evening, you will also get the opportunity to view the school uniform, Cucina (our catering supplier) and visit many stalls to allow for the smooth transition.
“We just wanted to let you know that Tom has really enjoyed the last 2 days. We really enjoyed tonight, and he can't wait to join!”
"The level of support and information has been phenomenal. We are so grateful for the effort and work that has gone into this, it has made the whole experience so much less daunting"
Summer School
We also offer students an opportunity to attend our Summer School programme, run by Bulmershe staff. This creates further opportunities for children to make friends before starting at the school, increasing their confidence and resolving any last concerns they may have.
I hope that you have found the answers to any questions that you may of had, however, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Lead Practitioner of Transition, Miss Harris on: lharris@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk
Finally, thank you for taking the time to look at our Transition information; we all look forward to meeting you and your child when you visit us at The Bulmershe School.
“Another great evening. We are so pleased with how she has got on in this first year, she's thrived, and we are delighted with the school, thank you so much for all your support”
Key Dates for September 2025 Admissions
26th September 2024
| Open Evening 5:30pm - 7:30pm Mrs Woodfin will be giving an address in the Auditorium at 5:45pm and 7:15pm An opportunity to enjoy interactive subject displays, meet our students and speak to our dedicated staff. No booking required. |
1st, 3rd, 8th and 10th October 2024 | Open Mornings 9.00am - 10.00am Tour of the school, followed by Headteacher's address and Q&A session from 9.40am. (Bookings will open on Fri 27th September. Link to follow) |
3rd March 2025 | National Offer Day Parents / Carers will be advised of the place allocated to their child. Any queries contact 'Wokingham School Admissions Team'. |
| Year 6 Open Morning Following receipt of your school place offer, we invite all families to visit the school to help with their decision process. This is an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have about the admissions process where we are here to continue to support you on your transition journey.
End of March 2025 | Data received by The Bulmershe School of those students who have been allocated a place from September 2025. After the Easter holidays a 'Welcome Letter’ is sent to parents /carers welcoming their child to The Bulmershe School. |
25th June 2025 | Year 6 Transition Day All students will be invited to attend a day of new and exciting lessons and a chance to make new friends with those other students joining us in September 2025. Details will be sent to parents via an email. |
10th July 2025 | Rising Year 7 Evening 6.00pm - 7.30pm The transition team will be on hand to answer any questions; parents and carers and students will have the opportunity to meet Mrs Woodfin, Head of Year 7 and members of the tutor team. |
w/c 14th July 25 | Telephone Call An opportunity to receive a 1 -1 telephone call from a member of the leadership / Year 7 team to share information you think we should know and discuss any further questions you may have. |
24th & 25th July 25 | Summer School This is run by Bulmershe members of staff for rising Year 7 students. This offers further opportunities to support them in joining The Bulmershe School. |
3rd September 2025 | First Day of School (Year 7 and 12 only) Welcome Year 7 |
“You are a warm hearted school and my child is already less anxious about coming here due to the personal touches you are providing”